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Results for "keyword: "wisdom""
Aspects of Love Catholic Wisdom Love is the seed of life in my own heart when it seeks the good of the other. — Thomas Merton in Thomas Merton: Essential Writings
Spiritual Approaches to Life Mystical Wisdom We are invited to approach our lives with the curiosity of a child, the heart of a mystic, and the voice of a prophet. — James Conlon in Beauty, Wonder, and Belonging Medica…
Ways of Knowing Catholic Wisdom Love seeks one thing only, the good of the loved one. It leaves all the secondary effects to take care of themselves. Love, therefore, is its own reward. — Thomas Merton in Whi…
Midlife Crisis and Then Wisdom In a thought-provoking article in, Jonathan Rauch shares some of the feelings of middle age and then moves on to an exploration of wisdom in the last stages of life. Many individuals…
Pop Songs as Postmodern Angels Not a lot of my liberal friends believe in angels, but I do. I am, after all, a process theologian. I think pop songs are angels. They fly through the air with their sonic wings, carrying their k…
A Prayer for Children Returning to School It is that time of year as children leave behind their summer pleasures to return to school. The routines of getting up on time, putting things in order, doing homework, and keeping distractions to …
The Secret of Life Movie Lines Curley, the trail boss says "You know what the secret of life is? One thing. Just one thing. You stick to that." One of the visitors to the dude ranch asks the old cowboy, "What's the…
The Real Trick in Life Literary Wisdom An apology is the superglue of life. It can repair just about anything. — Lynn Johnson, author of young adult fiction
My Heart and Conscious Aging My heart is a marvelous fist-size pumping organ whose chief duty is to deliver oxygen-rich blood to the cells and organs of my body. It labors tirelessly beating approximately 800,000 - 140,000 time…
Moments of Happiness Mystic Wisdom It only takes a moment for God to enrich you. — Thomas Keating in Active Meditations for Contemplative Prayer